Weekly Roundup: (Week of November 15th, 2019)

Wix Community Roundtable

Upcoming Webinar

Join experts from Wix.com to hear game-changing methods for elevating your site design for micro-moments. Click here for additional information.

Mind-Meld | Wix Stores: Dropshipping

We have an upcoming Mind Meld’s that you do not want to miss!
Find out more here .

New Feature

Wix Blog Feature Updates: You can now drag and resize your image to any size you want! Find out more here .

Community Events and Meetups

The following events took place:

  • November 12th: Workshop in San Francisco: Wix Marketing Strategy

  • November 12th: Workshop in Brazil: Intro to Wix - How to plan you website from zero

  • November 12th: Meetup in Colombia: Haz un pagina web increible!

  • November 13th: Meetup in Australia: Telling your story on social media

  • November 14th: Workshop in Australia: Wix Editor

  • November 16th: Meetup in Nigeria: The Future of Nigerian Design
