Background Information:
Hello, we recently created a website(WIX Studio) for a client with a blog section, the client is using the WIX mobile app to create these posts.
Now when creating a new blog, there isthe option to upload a header image, but this header image only shows up in the WIX app for the client when they write the blog. On the actual website, it doesnt show up and for the thumbnail, a specific image has to be set via blog settings, which works- but the client would like to know, what that option does then, if it doesnt show up.
And so would I, I tried some things and so far couldnt figure things out really.
Would appreciate any help if someone might know something about this^^
It’s a customization to make the blog post layout while editing similar as the one we usually saw in other websites. But will not show in live site because there is a cover image option in blog each blog’s setting
Also this cover image needs velo code to display in the live site.
It’ll be displayed in the blog list but for post element, you need some coding to create beautiful blog
Ah great, thanks for the information^^
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