What is the best way to create Gantt Chart in Wix?

New to Wix (Beginner)

What is the best way to create Gantt Chart in Wix?

Product: Wix Editor

I want to create one where the users can add/remove tasks and change the duration on the page. I don’t see any Wix app available for this.

One way that i could think of is using embed HTML code and link it to CMS. Users can input it and overwrite the existing data when clicking a button. Also, it should have a feature where one end date would push the other (one task has to be completed before the other begins). Wondering that is the way to go.

Hi, Terrapod !!

That’s right. If you want to display a Gantt chart in Wix, using a library specialized in graph drawing and embedding it on your Wix site via an HTML Component (iFrame) or Custom Element is one possible approach. If you want to support dynamic data changes, you can connect to the collection data using postMessage(). After researching, I found that the following library seems simple and easy to use! :wink:


Also, I believe this lesson will likely be helpful!

create-a-custom-chart(HTML Component Version)

chart.js-custom-element(Custom Element Version)

Enjoy ! :wink:

Thank you! I tried chart.js or loader.js as well. Those examples are helpful :slight_smile: