What is the difference between backend and front end code

hello wix team,
i would like to know the difference in terms of security and speed of the website if i use the code in the backend or the front end. i would appreciate also if there is some links you can share so i can read more about it.

Users can modify your front end code as Front end code is run on the users PC. This can create security issues. The code is all visible to their web browser. If you want to see the front end code for any website just press CTRL+U when browsing the web with google chrome.

Back end code is run on wix servers. Users can not see your back end code and they can not modify it which obviously means better security. Typically back end code will run faster for database queries, etc.

hi mike, thank you for the fast reply,
in this case how can i move my code to the backend, is there a tutorial for that. my website is taking around 18s to load, i have finished codind the website however im suffering major delays. i guess secutiry is an issue which i wasnt aware baout before your reply

I have not seen many in-depth tutorials from wix in regards to creating backend code, but they may exist.

Velo Web Modules: Calling Backend Code from the Frontend | Help Center | Wix.com.

Hope this can help you.

Hi there,

Basiacally, the front-end code runs on your device (browser), therefore can be accessed and modified by hackers, while the backend code only runs on the server side, and can’t be modifed, seen or accessed, unless you intentially expose them (export).