What plan allows me to create multiple blogs on separate pages within the same site

I a testing out the free wix for free and noticed that I cannot create multiple blogs on different pages. Can this be done?
If so which plan allows me to do so?


What are you trying to achieve:
Create multiple blogs covering different subjects on they own separate page on my site

What have you already tried:
searching my way to an answer

Additional information:

This is not possible, you can’t add Wix Blog application more than one time into a single site.

What I recommend to you is re-think what you want to do because it doesn’t make sense to have multiple blogs in a single site. Instead of having multiple blogs you can probably achieve what you want in another way.

If you can explain what you want to do I can suggest you things that you can try.

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Use a single blog, but add and filter by categories to display the different categories on different pages.

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