I have an issue that i’m been troubling with these past few days. It is a white bar on the right side of my site on the mobile version, and i have looked if it is a element or text box that is overflowing but so is not the problem, i have uploaded a file that you can see and my url is also linked below. I would be very thankful to get a response with this issue because i been struggling with it these past few days and not got a solution.
IF you see that the column is 1FR and the content within it is still past its boundaries, then we need to check the next element below it. Do you have a container or an element, like a button, on the layout that is wider than the 1fr, that we can look at?
I am convinced that one of your elements in that section is wider than the view port. Select each one (containers, groups, photos and even text blocks, and make sure that they are using a % and not PX widths. I hope your find your issue there.
I have already looked at that, nothing is wider than the screen and nothing is going to the side, i have already resized everything so its in the screen, nothing is overflowing,
Hmmm. Without going in, it is hard to navigate. Share quick access with me at teejay@iamteejay.com I can assist. I am certain that some is pushing out the layout to the left there.
WOW. You have a lot of sections and iframe. Your problems lie with the bottom half your pages and the elements that are in the iframe that require their outer left edge to pull the page to the right. See here:
For starters, you have elements that are visually put together without being group or stacked. Plus they are randomly floating here and there, not equally spaced.