White Spaces/Gaps Showing Up on Wix Sites?

Hello, Wix’s customer support has unfortunately not been very helpful regarding a pretty material error which just appeared on our website over the past 3 days.

My site www.delphidigital.io all of a sudden shows a white space on the home page on both web browsers but especially when viewed on a mobile browser. After discussing with WIX support for over an hour we have confirmed this is not due to a browser issue (tested across Chrome, Firefox, Safari even on Desktop vs Mobile), an internet provider issue (WiFi vs AT&T vs Verizon), nor is it an issue of us not utilizing Mobile Only mode. Our site was working properly since we created it back in September and all of a sudden just over the past 2-3 days we have noticed this huge white space on our Home Page and our Contact Us page.

Any help would be much appreciated. Thank you!

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I’ve just had a quick look on pc and mobile phone and yes I get the white space when viewing pages on mobile.

However, switching between desktop site and mobile site viewing on my mobile phone on both the home page and the contacts page, I actually do get the white gap appearing on both desktop and mobile views.

On my mobile phone the home page desktop view is exactly like the view on pc, however the mobile view has the screen ending right underneath the social icons.

Same with the contacts page, on mobile desktop view it shows exactly like the view on the pc, whereas the mobile view moves the background up closer to the bottom of the map and contact form.

So it leads me to ask have you checked your mobile editor to see if the background also goes down to the bottom of the pages on home page and contacts just like it does in the desktop editor.

I appreciate the quick reply. I have already turned Mobile View on and yes it does go away but as you can imagine, this messes up my whole site and causes me to have to recreate it in mobile editor. That being said, even with Mobile View turned on - desktop view still has a white box under so it is not a purely mobile issue.

As I mentioned in OP, we have had Mobile View turned off for the past 6 months and experienced no issues whatsoever. This just started happening less than 3 days ago.


Well that is the point of having a desktop editor and a separate mobile editor, so that you can edit both versions of your website.

You can’t expect to fit a horizontal desktop into a vertical mobile view and not have white gaps at the bottom?

To fix this you will simply have to move your background down to fill the mobile view or design your website mobile view to accommodate the difference in sizes.

Remember just because you might be viewing your website on your phone in desktop mode for the past six months, a good many others will be viewing their own mobile browsers in mobile view and will have always had this problem for the past six months.

So this is what I was trying to explain. Our site had Mobile View Turned off since inception and our site looked perfect on mobile browsers (no white space whatsoever).

As you mentioned earlier, this white space is also showing on our Desktop site so this is not a Mobile only issue.

Any help here? I don’t believe this is a problem that “Using Wix Mobile Editor” should be used as a solution for. Feel like that is just ignoring that broader, fundamental issue here.

@givemeawhisky apologize - I didn’t respond directly to you but have posted my response below:

I got the same problem!!
It’s 2021 still no one can solve it?

Same problem - the gap is visible only on some computers but not in the editor…

Same problem - june 2021

Same issue. I’ve disabled the footer, so it appears even more weird.

Hi, I think this is the same issue I have, whereby on all my embedded files on the mobile version, there is huge white spaces surrounding the embedded areas. With my background being green, these really stand out and looks untidy. Please can anyone advise? Thanks.