White vertical line on the right side of my website

As the title suggests, there’s a line on my pages that won’t go away, I tried erasing all layers, there are no hidden elements and the background is not set to move or do anything fancy. I’m not on editor X either. It seems like others have had this problem and there has been no solution.

What is the site’s URL and what page?

I haven’t uploaded anything yet because I’m still toying with design but you can see on the right the bar is there and overlaps the Wix ad when in preview mode but the reason I believe something can be done is because it doesn’t overlap the edit bar at the top in edit mode. Thanks for the help.

What bar? Do you mean the scroll bar?

Without a URL I can’t really investigate.

@yisrael-wix I guess that’s the scroll bar. It’s a little obnoxious isn’t it? I don’t even think it’s there on my others