Why won't my section height conform to it's content when set to auto height?

I’ve started jumping into Wix Studio recently, so I might be missing something. But for some reason my section, despite having it’s height set to auto (using the Advanced sizing) grows longer when the page is made wider than the breakpoint I’m working at, despite the content (one container) not getting longer.

I’m tempted to report it as a bug as to me at least this is not the expected behavior, but I’m new to Wix Studio, so I might just be missing the correct way to do it.

Wix Studio

What are you trying to achieve:
I want the section’s height to not be taller than the content within.

What have you already tried:
The section’s height is set to auto with no minimum height. Looking at the html of the live site using the inspector you can see that the container has blank space underneath it, despite there being no content there, no margin bellow and this being the last section on the page.

Additional information:
The site in question is:


Though I’m assuming this will be a thing on other sites as well.

I’m hoping someone will have a solution as this extra space is messing up my design.