Hello there
Is it possible that I can test the WIX AI Assistant?
I can’t wait and I’m so hyped that I want to test it now.
Thank you
Hello there
Is it possible that I can test the WIX AI Assistant?
I can’t wait and I’m so hyped that I want to test it now.
Thank you
Hey @PierrunoYT!
I guess you’re referring to the AI site generator feature on the Wix Editor - https://www.wix.com/blog/avishai-abrahami-thoughts-about-ai
Although we don’t have a specific date just yet, there are a few other AI features that should get you going until the site generator is available:
In the meantime, are you using AI for other things? How are you finding it?
Hello @noahlovell
Thanks for the reply.
Do you know if it will takes weeks or months till it get released because I can’t wait for the release and I check the wix news everyday to see it it’s got released.
Also the other AI Tools are not got visible. I think they should be visible trough a button where you can choose which AI Tool you want to use. Also the strange thing is that when I change my Account Language to English some AI Tools will show up which aren’t when I have German as my Language.
I don’t have an ETA at the moment, although it should be pretty soon.
I love this idea! A sort of “highlight” of the tools available in the editor for you?
And I believe the reason you see some AI Tools when your account is English is because the AI tools require training in different languages to perform best. For example, the model might be trained in English, but not currently in German.
Hey there
Yes I mean somethign you stated above with the AI Tools at one place.
Also l can’t see the new AI SEO Tool anywhere also in English.