Wix Automations with Zapier - Missing Email Address Variable

Hi, I’m trying to connect purchase made in my Wix store, through Zapier, to create an account in a third-party system “Matrix” (part of Cypher Learning).

The aim is to use the email address the customer enters at the Wix checkout to create a new account for them in Matrix and enrol them in a course.

The problem I’m finding is that the data pulling across from my Wix Automation doesn’t include the all-important email address (screenshot attached of the data fields it does bring).

Without the email address, the whole thing doesn’t work. I’ve tried adding in a custom field to my Wix automation but that doesn’t show up either; seems only the Customer First Name and Customer Last Name are the only user-entered fields that are included.

Is there way to fix this?



Try to use triggere email instead of automation or sendgrid.
with these apps you can add to the body’s email all the relevant data you need.


Thanks. I appreciate you taking the time to respond to my thread.

However, this is not at all what I need to achieve. Unless I’m missing something from your suggested links, these deal with sending an email to someone. I need Zapier to connect to my Matrix account to create a new account for the new user and then enrolled them in a specific course.

Thanks for the suggestions though.

I’m facing the same issue as described above.

@contact57744 Try and use zapier email parsing to do the job. These automations are always incomplete

same problem here, any ideas, besides parsing the mails?

Please repost your question, explain what you are trying to do, what works, and what doesn’t.

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