Wix BulkUpdate & Repeater

I have code that calculates an array and I want to populate a group of objects inside the array. I can create one object that’s fine but multiple objects? I was going to use .push but that doesn’t seem to work.

My intention is to create an array of JavaScript objects to populate a repeater.
I will use bulkUpdate, but instead of this wixData.bulkUpdate(“myCollection”, [toUpdate1, toUpdate2])

I would like to create an array of JS objects and use this wixData.bulkUpdate(“myCollection”, [toUpdate])

Would this be possible? I seem to be stuck on creating a group of objects using in code…just as below…the code should create this…

let toUpdate1 = {
6  "_id":          "00001",
7  "title":        "Mr.",
8  "first_name":   "John",
9  "last_name":    "Doe"
12let toUpdate2 = {
13  "_id":          "00002",
14  "title":        "Ms.",
15  "first_name":   "Jane",
16  "last_name":    "Doe"

You can use .push() Try it and see. If it doesn’t work for you post the code here.

Worked it out - array.from