Wix code SDK Warning: The rating parameter that is passed to the rating method cannot be set to null or undefined - Line 81

I try to make “Spread the love”
but I don’t know why this message print
My code is

//-------------Repeater Setup -------------//

// Set up each item in the reivews repeater as it is loaded.
export function reviewsRepeater_itemReady($w, itemData, index) {
// If the reviewer recommends the item:
if (itemData.recommends) {
// Set the "recommend text.
$w(‘#recommendation’).text = ‘I recommend this product.’;
// If the reviewer does not recommend the item:
} else {
// Set the “don’t recomend” text.
$w(‘#recommendation’).text = “I don’t recommend this product.”;
// If a photo was uploaded for the review:
if (itemData.photo) {
// Set the image URL from the item data.
$w(‘#reviewImage’).src = itemData.photo;
// Expand the image.
// Set the ratings element’s rating value.
$w(‘#OneRating’).rating = itemData.rating; <== Line81
// Get the date that the review was entered.
let date = itemData._createdDate;
// Format the date according to the date format settings on the user’s computer.
$w(‘#submissionTime’).text = date.toLocaleString();

//-------------Data Setup -------------//

// Perform some setup when the dataset filter was completed.
export function showReviews() {
// If at least one review has been submitted:
if ($w(‘#Reviews’).getTotalCount() > 0) {
// Expand the strip that displays the reviews.
// If there are no reviews:
} else {
// Collapse the strip that displays the reviews.
$w(‘#reviewsStrip’).collapse(); //otherwise, hide it

Please help me someone
solve this problem