When I preview my website, I get this error message: Wix code SDK Warning: The text parameter of “optionText” that is passed to the text method cannot be set to null or undefinedI am trying to make a search bar and filter menu correspond with a set of documents. The code appears to be buggy at line 11 according to the error message
$item( " #optionText " ).text = itemData.value;
Here is what the entire set of code looks like
import wixData from “wix-data” ;
let lastFilterTopics = ;
$w.onReady(() => {
// handle each suggestion repeater item
$w( “#continents” ).onItemReady(($item, itemData, index) => {
$item( ‘#optionCheckbox’ ).onChange(() => {
$item( “#optionText” ).text = itemData.value;
function loadContinents() {
wixData.query( ‘Continents’ )
.then(results => {
$w( “#minutes” ).data = ;
// Create and map an array for the dropdown menu options
let continentDropdownOptions = ;
continentDropdownOptions.push(…results.items.map(continent => {
return { “_id” : continent._id, “value” : continent.title, “label” : continent.title };
$w( ‘#minutes’ ).data = continentDropdownOptions;
// Filtering per options checked
function filterByCheckboxes() {
let continents = ;
$w( “#continents” ).forEachItem(($item, itemData, index) => {
if ($item( ‘#optionCheckbox’ ).checked) {
continents.push($item( “#optionText” ).text);
$w( ‘#numContinentsText’ ).text = ${continents.length} continent${((continents.length > 1 ) ? "s " : " " )} selected.
// Collapse or expand the multi-select menu on click
export function continentBox_click(event) {
if ($w( ‘#continents’ ).collapsed === true ) {
$w( “#continents” ).expand();
} else {
$w( “#continents” ).collapse();
function filter(continents) {
let newContinentsFilterCheck = compareArrays(continents, lastFilterContinents);
if (!newContinentsFilterCheck) {
let newFilter = wixData.filter();
newFilter = newFilter.hasSome( ‘continent’ , continents);
$w( ‘#dataset1’ ).setFilter(newFilter).then( function () {
let count = $w( “#dataset1” ).getTotalCount();
lastFilterContinents = continents;
// Code to compare string arrays
// Used to compare the current and previous continent selections
function compareArrays(newFilterArray, lastFilterArray) {
if (newFilterArray.length !== lastFilterArray.length) { return false } //Checking if the number of items in the filter arrays match
//Sort both arrays for easy comparison and checking if the items match
let sortedNewFilterArray = newFilterArray.concat().sort()
let sortedLastFilterArray = lastFilterArray.concat().sort()
for ( let index in sortedNewFilterArray) {
if (sortedNewFilterArray[index] !== sortedLastFilterArray[index]) return false
return true