Wix Community Meetups - Q3 Update

Happy Friday!

We would like to share that in the last quarter we had over 30 events! Woho=)
We want to thank the time and dedication of the partners who contributed to the growth of the local community by sharing their knowledge through meetups and workshops in their cities. Well done guys!

Adi Linial , Alan Bråten , Brian Chien , Daniel Alexander Acosta Eli Azoura Ilene Gruber Adams Jennifer Schwab, Jerry Hoekman Paulo Roberto Kendzerski Junior Mustafa Alnaib, Mina Izumi , Ruthann Bowen , Salmo Gardino , Sanjana Chopra, Saule Grigiene, Ulysses Hechanova, Wenjia Zong, Wilfredo Torres :raised_hands:

Check all pictures here.


Thank you for sharing Anna! Love the pictures.

Is there a list of Wix meetup cities/listings anywhere?

Hello! We are working on a website where we will promote all the events and its location. Stay tuned =)

@annahelise I belong to a number of entrepreneurial and digital marketing meetups here in the Twin Cities that include discussion of Wix but are not specific to it. I believe and tell my clients a website needs to be only one piece of a marketing plan to get the results they want, and that’s the concensus of the meetups I attend. I do belong to a well-established meetup of Wordpress geeks, and noticed there’s now an active Shopify meetup but most look at the bigger picture.

Nice!! If you wanna host events about Wix and /or Digital Marketing in your city, let me know - annar@wix.com, I will be happy to hear your ideas :slight_smile: