Could you help me understand how to catch a form submission event with Google Analytics if my site is built with Wix. Google Analytics is installed via Google Tag Manager .
Wix’s documentation:
In Google Analytics the goal is organized as follows: 1. Goal type is “Event”. 2. Category: “Leads”. 3. Action: “Submitted”. 4. Label: “New Lead”
At my site I fire in Chrome in console I can organize like this:
tracker = ga.getAll()[0];
tracker.send("event", "Leads", "Submitted", "New Lead");
And: 1. In Googlel Analytics I can catch the event in Real-Time section/Conversions. 2. In my Chrome browser I have installed GA debug plugin. It is reacting to the event:
eventAction (&ea) Submitted
analytics_debug.js:23 eventCategory (&ec) Leads
analytics_debug.js:23 eventLabel (&el) New Lead
analytics_debug.js:23 hitType (&t) event
But when I just submit the form at my site, nothing happens: neither Real-Time report catches the conversion, nor GA debug plugin shows any activity. mybkexperience
Could you help me adjust the system so that Google Analytics should catch the form submission event.