Wix database and html

Hi, guys!
I used alot oh html in my database. But today wix removed html from text editor.
How i can reach same result with dynamic pages. Any ideas?
Example of my pages:

What do you mean by “today Wix removed html from text editor” ? Are you referring to the HTML Component or the editor in Data Collections?

editor in Data Collection

Shit! I just saw that too… Let’s ask @liran-kurtz-wix if he knows anything about this.

Hey guys! We decided to not give false expectations with Richtext’s HTML input. That HTML tab allowed only very narrow subset of HTML capabilities, and it was meant to mimick what’s possible with regular Richtext input. So everything is still possible with that field type, just not with manual HTML editing. :slight_smile:

If you have a use case that you think is now ruined, let us know about it! :slight_smile:

Please see the link to my dynamic page above. How can I achieve the same result without html?
<img src= don’t work in Richtext editor.

K, you found an undocumented functionality that even wasn’t stable before. I bet you must have noticed that sometimes not exact HTML you entered was saved. Some HTML sanitization was at play.

Either way, if you really need such a case, you could continue using it by Exporting → Editing HTML in prefered editor → Importing it back. Just be aware that it’s not officially supported functionality.

Also, keep in mind that you need to be careful with quotation marks in CSV file to properly escape “>”. An example of CSV to be imported back should look something like this:

...,"<img src=""https://static.parastorage.com/services/marketing-homepage/1.203.0/assets/images/blue-hero/homepage-hero-xlarge.jpg"">", ...

@adas-bradauskas Thanks for the answer!
Perhaps this function is not documented, but the result looks great.
Can I achieve a similar result using Rich Text editor amd connect it to database?

@satoriwiki What do you mean by achieve a similar result using Rich Text? Unfortunately, With current Rich Text editor, you won’t be able to add images. The same way you’re not able to add images to regular text components in Editor.

Hey Adas, that tab was really handy for loading GoogleFonts since the Rich Text editor in the databse editor doesn’t include fonts uploaded by users…Is there any way this feature could be re-implemented with some sort of warning?