I created a breakpoint on my site with a size of 2752px and use that as my default breakpoint to develop on. I have noticed that when I add/edit certain elements on my higher breakpoint soon as I click the element, WIX force me to a lower breakpoint. This stops me from developing on my higher breakpoint Two elements of note that FORCE me to a lower breakpoint is any ‘lightbox’ element and also the ‘hamburger menu’ element.
Is this a bug? If so, when will a fix be available? Has anyone else experienced this issue? I would like to see more support from Wix for larger screens/breakpoints.
Also, @WIX, can we choose a ‘default’ breakpoint on our site profile? Can we ‘name’ our breakpoints (i.e my 2752px breakpoint can be called ‘Home Desktop Screen’, and another one can be called ‘avg Laptop Screen’)?
-forces me to 1280 breakpoint when I click hamburger menu. Also does the same whenever I click any ‘lightbox’
What are you trying to achieve:
I am trying to develop my site elements for a larger breakpoint; yet everytime I click certain elements on my larger breakpoint it forces me to go to a smaller breakpoint
What have you already tried:
Used different browsers, cleared cache, and slew of other basic troubleshooting tactics.
Are you still experiencing the issue? Customer Care would be the best place to get a deeper look into it, so I suggest doing that. But I am curious, is it always the same elements that cause this, like the hamburger menu?
Thank you for your consideration; I am still experiencing the same issue yet have found creative work arounds. My workarounds take me the long, complicated way around to get things done so I do hope the issue can be resolved. The TWO specific elements that force me to a smaller breakpoint is the Hamburger Menu and ANY Lightbox element . My secondary goal in submitting my post is to see if others are experiencing the same thing as well. I’m sure i’m not the only one developing on larger breakpoints.
Where do we report bugs exactly?
Thanks again for your consideration, will reach out to customer care at some point if the issue persists.
Have you tried to add the hamburger menu and other header elements to a container. set the container to 100% width. add the padding required. Then you can drag this in and out of the header and edit element. I have found editing header and footer elements can force the generic breakpoints.
Unfortunately, I have not found a ‘permanent’ solution. I was able to very manually adjust the size of my elements by selecting the object from the ‘layers’ menu and then using the side bar (inspector panel) to adjust the size.
Still not able to click on the element and resize using the mouse without it forcing me to the lower breakpoint. I’ve been super busy this past week but do plan to submit a ticket to customer care hopefully this weekend to see if they can fix
Aghhh that is a pretty genius hack you have there. I have had to use containers to get around some shortcomings with the ‘lightbox’ element and it worked well (albeit with a lot more work involved).
Thank you for your suggestion, that should work. I do still hope Wix get around to fixing the issue formally as we shouldn’t need to rely too much on many hacks to get things to work as they should. lol
Thanks again Sir, really appreciate you sharing that idea
happening to me as well, I have a bigger breakpoint than the previous existing default breakpoint, as soon as I modify something on the footer, the edit view changes to that previous default breakpoint and it is so frustrating
did you find another solution besides what @Dan_Suhr said?
i have a similar issue with breakpoints. I’m trying to hide my header and footer on some pages. under “layers” i can do it with wix default breakpoints. however, the higher resolutions don’t show within “layers”.
Thank you for your help