Wix Events

Hello dear experts! Is it possible to create different sets of Wix Events, i.e. under different headings?
I want to have several sets of ‘upcoming events’ under several categories (ie: forthcoming workshops, and forthcoming tours etc), but if I edit one, it edits all of them.

many thanks for your help, Jaya

Have a look at the following pages.

Otherwise, as it is a Wix app you should be looking at the Wix Support pages for it here.

Thanks very much givemeawhisky. The first on of your suggestion is what I am using to create my events under the category on ‘improvisation’ . Now I want to have another gallery, just like that, but under a different category, in this case ‘clowning’ (added screenshot). my problem is that I cannot edit those separately, but they will always copy each other.
Does that make sense? Any suggestions?

Grateful for your help, best, Jaya

If you look in the Wix Events own Wix Support pages, you will find what you are looking for.

Many thanks again - I voted YES! And will study the fine print …

Hello again, I tried that as suggested (copying the event, and editing on a different page), but the result was that the edit figured on all the event lists, i.e. on all different pages. So the suggestion given in the link is not functioning for some reason … any advice? Many thanks!

Did you try changing the settings and have only your chosen events displayed on your page?

Click on the expandable multiple events and single events text to show more settings.

Yep, that got that sorted, many thanks! You would not by any chance also know if I can introduce extra columns on those lists (see my pic above), so e.g. to add ‘UK’ or ‘DE’ to clarify the country this offer is in? Or some other info? Thanks again!

You can already put the location in your event.

However you can’t add any extra dataset collection fields, you can only use the existing ones as you can’t edit it.

So, if you are wanting it to be shown in the listings shown on the page, then you will have to add it to the text that you have used.