When a member of my site logged out, click on link https://costieraslow.wixsite.com/ilmiosito04/Members/Confirm/cc0d2bae-d5c7-4228-b1df-9944598084e5, dynamic page with his user id (it’s only an example), of course he gets a 403 forbidden page.
But I would like redirect him on my login page.
I tried following code in router.js, but it doesn’t work.
How can I solve this ?
thanks in advance
[ router.js ] in Backend
import {redirect} from ‘wix-router’;
export function Members_afterRouter(request, response) {
if(response.status === 403)
return redirect(“https://costieraslow.wixsite.com/ilmiosito04/cloud”, “301”); }
import wixLocation from ‘wix-location’;
export function Members_afterRouter(request, response) {
if(response.status === 403) wixLocation.to(/home/
return response; }
Hi Mauro,
You can write your own router to take care of “special” pages. Refer to the wix-router API for full details.
Hi Yisrael,
believe me I read everything, but I wasn’t able to get it, perhaps it’s my fault.
But could you suggest to me:
- if my solutions are on the right way or not
- what’s the right way, also in general schema
thx in advance
Hi Mauro
Did you find how to do this.
I m need of the solution for this exact problem. kindly help me with your solution
Hi Mauro Vento Avyno,
I hope you already found the solution. I’m posting the answer for other people who may have the same question.
Luckily, I found the solution after playing around a bit.
Open Dev Mode → Hover over your dynamic page and click on the “…” → Click on settings → under Page Info, you’ll find an option to “Add hooks”. Click on it
->select beforeRouter option.
A router.js page gets created. Here you can type in the following code:
import wixUsers from ‘wix-users-backend’ ;
import { redirect, next } from ‘wix-router’ ;
export function member_beforeRouter(request) {
console.log( “reached router” );
if (wixUsers.currentUser.loggedIn) {
console.log( “user logged in” );
return next();
} else {
console.log( “redirecting to home” );
return redirect( “https://www.kaviartstudio.in” );
My database name is : Members
The link I wanted to redirect was the home page.