Wix Fetch (POST) Error Response is 500

Need to find out why my code in the backend is not working. I heard that if you get a 500 then that is a server-side issue. Please see my server-side code below and the code file name used. My GET function on the server-side is working correctly when I need to use it but for some reason, my POST function is not cooperating. Could someone please help me out with this one it would really make a difference on how to solve this issue?

Code File Image

The site is published and I am putting in the correct format for my site which is the following:

Backend Code (http-functions.js - server-side)

// URL looks like:
// https://www.mysite.com/_functions/myFunction/
// or:
// https://user.wixsite.com/mysite/_functions/country/
export function post_country(request) {
  let options = {
    "headers": {
      "Content-Type": "application/json"
  // get the request body
  return request.body.json()
  .then( (body) => {
      // insert the item in a collection
      return wixData.insert("countries", body);
    } )
    .then( (results) => {
      options.body = {
        "inserted": results
      return created(options);
    } )
    // something went wrong
    .catch( (error) => {
      options.body = {
        "error": error
      return serverError(options);
    } );

The following is how I am calling the fetch method in another Wix editor to post information.
Page Code:

import {postCountry,getMCountry} from 'backend/test';
postCountry().then(function (res) {
        console.log("ran post")

Backend Code:

import wixFetch from 'wix-fetch';
export async function postCountry() {
    const url = "https://ninollc.wixsite.com/blogtut/_functions/country";

    //let user = wixUsers.currentUser.id;
    const bodyd = JSON.stringify({
        "countryName": "recipe",
        "city": "rating"

    return await wixFetch.fetch(url, {
        method: 'post',
        headers: {
            'Content-Type': 'application/json'
            // 'Content-Type': 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded',
        body: bodyd
    }).then((response) => {
        if (response.ok) {
            return response.json();
        return Promise.reject('fetch to wix function has failed ' + response.status + '\n' + response.statusText);
    }).catch(e => {

Any help or guidance is welcomed.
