Wix File share get notified when a file is added

Is there a way of getting notified when a user adds a file(s) via the Wix fileshare app?

Wix File Share App

What are you trying to achieve:
The owner/admin’s gets notified via either email/site feed/ wix owner notification when a user uploads a file(s) to a folder.

What have you already tried:
I have tried both automation, with no triggers available and oncall events via the collections hooks. There doesn’t seem to have any way of being notified when something is added to a folder or the fileshare collection.

Additional information:
It would be amazing if additional oncall events were added to Velo, or possible trigger options were added to the automation system, as at the moment it is a little limiting.

I have used Wix File share before but it was a long time ago so I had to check things again and what I can see is Wix File Share app is using a collection within Media database which you can query and define data events on it.

You can define an event for files collection and do what you need with Velo’s notify API or with external notification services.


Hey loeiks,
Thanks for getting back to me, with the fileshare collection you can only define before/after get and query hooks, there are no options for before/after insert which would be the best use case for what I need. As the client’s customer uses the default wix fileshare widget, there is currently no possible way of directly tying in a command/onevent when a file is added.

However what you mentioned about querying the collection for any changes could work if I schedule it through the recurring jobs API, then connect the relevant notify api and trigger emails api, which could be a good workaround for now.


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