When I’m trying to install my custom app to my wix site it gives me this error.
Wix Headless
What are you trying to achieve:
I’m trying to install app to my website from wix studio, it is showing me the error below, it says it couldn’t find redirect url, but I already have redirect url to the app oauth.
What have you already tried:
I was trying to generate auth_code to generate access token for oauth. For this purpose I have created auth_code by installing the app using url and app_id, app_secret after generating token. The installation process is done as per the documentation, and I have generated the auth_code, but in wix studio it is showing that the app is not installed with the website. So I was trying to install it again from wix studio, then I found out the error.
Additional information:
When I’m trying to use the auth_code I generated, using the postman response says it is invalid auth_code.