Wix Hotels, extra charges per night

Here i am…complaining about hotel options again, lol. Once again, its been discussed and voted on. I’ve seen many others with the same issue, and its just something that has to be fixed, but keeps being put off (its been 1 1/2 years since i last mentioned it). Extra charges…why isn’t there an option to charge extras per day? This is most specific to pets. All hotels i have stayed at, and all of my hotel/cottage clients have a per night pet charge, not a flat fee. Focusing on editor x and other ways to improve is all and good…but fix what is broken first…especially essential fixes like this. Clients should not be forced to compromise.


Hi Artio, I will forward your feedback to the team.

Thank you Steven. I just hope these things start being dealt with soon. We shouldnt have to wait years for essential fixes. Per day charges (for pets and rollaways). and kids prices are necessary to run a hotel properly.

@artio I understand the importance of this feature. I’m working on connecting with the Hotels PM at the moment to share this, and other feedback left under this category.

agreed and following

news? insights?
hope for the future??