WIX Hotels for Studio

Hi All, Would anyone be able to assist on a project I need to integrate a B&B onto a Studio website (including a calendar that is linked to Air B&B to stop duplicate bookings.) As the WIX Hotels app is not working for the Studio platform as yet. Or would anyone have any info on when Wix Hotels is going to be available on Studio?

Wix studio, Wix Hotels

not sure when it will be available. You can vote for this feature here. Surely they will be working on all their apps to be working on Studio.

Hi I am also looking for a solution to this! Did you manage to work out a way to do it? Many thanks!

Unfortunately, not as yet; I have been advised that this should be coming soon, and you can vote for this feature here:

Studio Editor Request: Adding Wix Hotels | Help Center | Wix.com.

But until then, I’ll only be able to offer the standard WIX editor, not Studio, to clients who need this feature.