I can test the code in sandbox using a button on a page that calls the backend code that calls a remote rest service and loads images into the database. If i try launch it from the http function nothing happens (i get the successful response but the code doesnt actually run). I am not sure what to do since the code is all working and everything is published i have checked the database on live and all it good and have published the side again to ensure those scripts are updated.
Edit: confirmed it is the http function - if i use the button on the live site and use that to call the code from live it works. I need to have this automated to can someone help me understand why the http function isnt working?
by the way the response is fine when calling the function - is there a way i can access some logs to see what is going un?
here is the http function code (i have 3 other functions and they all working okay
export function get_chartdata(request) {
let options = {
“headers”: { “Content-Type”: “application/json” }
options.body = { "status": "ok" }
return ok(options);
here is the main function that does the work
export function pullecondata () {
//get url template
.then( (results) => {
var item = results.items[0]
let urltemplate = item.urltemplate
//iterate rows to populate charts
.then( (econresults) => {
econresults.items.forEach( **function** (element) {
let newitem = element
return fetch(newitem.data, {“method”: “get”})
.then( response => response.json())
.then(json => {
var labels =
var vals =
//access json data for chart from rest service payload
for(let i in json.dataset.data) {
var dt = new Date(json.dataset.data[i][0])
//remove some records not needed
//reorder for date
vals = vals.reverse()
labels = labels.reverse()
//build array list of labels and data
var quotedAndCommaSeparated = “'” + labels.join(“‘,’”) + “'”
var u = urltemplate.replace(‘£’, quotedAndCommaSeparated )
var g = u.replace( ‘@’,vals.join())
newitem.chart = g
wixData.save("econdata", newitem);
Make sure you publish your site or the HTTP endpoints won’t be accessible. See the article Corvid: Exposing a Site API with HTTP Functions for more information on HTTP functions. You can also use the MyApi and MyApiClient example.
hi Yisrael
All is published several times and i have ensured the database collections are also in sync. The http function is returning a status okay but the code never runs. is it perhaps a permission issue i need to be aware of?
@waynetheron Hard to say what’s not working. It might be an issue of database permissions. Since this is backend code, you can use the suppressAuth option to eliminate that issue.
Thank you Yisrael - suppressing auth worked
happy days
@waynetheron Wow! You mean I did something today?