Wix Multilingual App Not Installing (Wix Studio)

I cannot add Wix Multilingual to my website, can anyone help?

Wix Studio Editor

What are you trying to achieve:
To install Wix Multilingual on my website.

What have you already tried:

  • Multiplte web browsers (Chrome and Safari)

  • Clearing my cache.

Additional information:
When first attempting to install Wix Multilingual on my website (on the Safari browser), it was in the loading phase for several minutes and before freezing. I subsequently attempted to quit the browser and Wix Studio automatically attempted to uninstall the app, but this froze also. I suspect the issue lies here, that the app is sort of ‘half installed/uninstalled’.

Upon attempting to add the app on Google Chrome I attempt to add the Multilingual app to no avail, I now click ‘Multilingual’ and nothing happens. Despite clearing cache, logging out / in, and quitting the browser/reopening it.

Any help would be much appreciated! :slightly_smiling_face:

Hi @jamesd! Are you still having trouble getting Multilingual added? If so, go ahead and reach out to Customer Care. They should be able to take a deeper look into it. You’ll also be able to track the progress of your ticket through your Wix Studio Workspace.

Hi Pamela, yes the issue still persists. I will reach out to them, Thanks! :slightly_smiling_face:

Similar issue here, when installing the app in Wix Studio. Prompt: cannot load translation.
Tried the same with an other website (build in the regular Wix editor) and it works fine.