Wix Paid plans customize non developer question :-D

Hello Folks!

First of all, I have no clue about web development, so, I’m sorry if it’s a dumb, noob question…

But I wanted to know if something like this is even possible with wix paid plans app or maybe with powr. pricing plan. or something else:

So what I basiclly have in mind would be a system similar like audible uses:

Monthly member subscription and members get monthly “credits” to use for my service and on the first of month the credits would be renewed for the new month. Those credits could be used in my store or whatever to “pay” my service. So in conclusion, they would pay the monthly plan but would actually use the “credits” that they got every month to pay my service…

I already talked to a web developer friend about this and he said this:

"i mean… the flow it’s like… you get some subscription plans, each of the subscriber are stored on your database, after a pay validation, each time they use lets say a code, those “credits” are decreasing… and so on

All the subscription addons or plugins i saw untill now, gave you a bunch of settings that allow you to setup some kind of discount codes, or one use only codes for different subscription plans, so basically user pays you by paypal, gets a 3 months subscription and you can setup some codes (ex 3) only for that user, generate even…

its a bit of digging into this but i’m sure it must be something out there… i mean… wix is not that small or unknown business"

Is this even realizable with wix or is it too much work to do? If not realizable with wix, does someone have another solution or help available how I can implement such a system?

Thank you very much for your help!!