Wix Payment API Error Message: WixPayBackend.createPayment: Total amount should be the sum of the item amounts

Does anyone know how to resolve this issue? I’m not sure if the problem is in the backend or on the page! I’ve tried everything I could think of (which is not a super long list). What you see below is the last thing I have the energy to attempt after hours of working on it. I need to charge $25 per page up to 5 pages.
Page Code

export function editingPaymentButton_click(event) {
 let quantity = Number($w('#txtPages').text); //input element for the quantity
  createStandardEditingPayment("createStandardEditingPayment", (25, quantity))
    (payment => {
      wixPay.startPayment(payment.id, )

Backend Code

import wixPay from 'wix-pay-backend';

export function createStandardEditingPayment(name, price, quantity = 1) {
return wixPay.createPayment({
items: [{
name:"Standard Editing",
price: 25.00,
quantity: 1,
amount: price * quantity,
currency: "USD"