Wix Price Calculator. Does anyone know how to create this price calculator ?

It is very advanced system that we are talking in here. Firstly try to make a price that shows one sliders value in code.


export function slider_change(event) {
let value = $w("#slider").value;

$w("#text1").text = value.toString();

After this you need to make some calculating code, but try this firstly.

EDITED 29.4.2020 Because of not working code. But its updated now!

Hello, can you continue this please? I am a beginner who only plays with button onClick events and some if conditions, but I want to build a calculator

  • as shown on the picture here
  • which automatically shows the calculation result when changing any slider or radiobutton option

Wix implemented these buttons and sliders natively, but there is no example how to code something with it. You would help us all, thanks.