Wix restaurants online ordering - adding extras with number value

EDIT: I now understand that code is not available with wix restaurants online ordering. With that in mind, how hard would it be / is it possible to code up what I’m talking about? Basically I want it to be something like this https://www.paleoireland.ie/collections/all Am I better using Wix Store rather than restaurants?

Hello, I am currently using restaurants online ordering, but am stuck at the number of options I can add. The product is “Choose ten meals from the menu”. I can give this item unlimited ‘extras’ to choose form, but it looks bad as I have to put in ten of each option to allow for the customer to choose ten of the same item. I would like for each extra item to have its own integer value assigned to it by the customer to choose how many of it they would like.

I can’t say it’s better to use Wix Stores because I don’t know your needs.
But it looks like something you can do with Wix Stores.