My wix search bar only shows my blog post as search results but when people try to click it, it automatically takes them to the homepage therefore not allowing them to view the full content of the blog post
MAybe this happens due to the different READ and WRITE-PERMISSIONS of the current logged-in-user and the setup of your data-permissions inside your database?
I happen to have the same problem. Did you solve yours?
Instead of bumping up foreign posts, you better should open your own one and describe your issue in detail.
Tenho um mesmo problema com um blog que estou colocando online para venda de conteúdos pornográficos que eu mesma gravo eu sempre entro na pagina inicial e o mesmo fica atualizando sozinho assim que clico no botão pesquisar alguém poderia me dar uma dica!?
This issue can occur when the latest version of the blog pages haven’t been indexed.
More information here.