wix-store-backend - addProductMedia( )

i cant add uploaded file from UploadButton to product media

i got this error:
{“message”:“Bad Request”,“details”:{}}

upload the file code:

var fabricImage 
export function uploadButton2_change() {
.then((uploadedFile) => {
fabricImage = uploadedFile.url;

add image to product:

import { mediaNewProductBackendFunction } from 'backend/fabricInventory';

createNewProductBackendFunction(newProduct) // create new product(working)
.then(async(productResult) => {
const mediaData=[{fabricImage}]
let productId=productResult._id
await mediaNewProductBackendFunction(productId,mediaData)

backend code:

export function mediaNewProductBackendFunction(productId, mediaData) {
return wixStoresBackend.addProductMedia(productId, mediaData);

1 Like

same issue

For anyone still having this issue, you need to change
const mediaData = [{ fabricImage }]
const mediaData = [{src: fabricImage }]