Wix store formatting: Checkout Nightmare. Help!

Objective: Allow a buyer to select multiple items and multiple quantities of an item on a SINGLE ecommerce page before checking out.

Hi! I sell 3 books on my site using WIX’s default ecommence tools.

On my older WIX sites, a book buyer could easily buy one type of book and then buy another one of my books, all on the SAME page. Therefore, allowing the buyer to view (on a single page) how many of EACH books were selected for purchase (their cart), BEFORE going to the checkout page. Once on the check out page, they could proceed with checking out. Easy. Simple. Clear.

Now, with the current WIZ ecom default tool, if a buyer wants to buy different books, the buyer first must choose a book, then to click the back button (an arrow) to go back to the menu of book options to buy a different type of book. (this process is not intuitive at all and the arrow is very small). Plus, the buyer cannot increase the number of books they want of a certain type of book until they go the checkout page. This is clunky and confusing, and customers complain.

On the mobile version, this process is even more clunky and almost impossible. It’s even difficult for me to figure out the flow of the process.

Two questions: Is there a widget or suggestion I can employ so my buyers can EASILY buy different books from one page, add then increase the “quantities” of the books they want to buy on that SAME page, BEFORE going to the checkout cart area? And . . . how can I employee this same process mobile version?

With gratitude,

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Hey, I was just wondering if you found an solution to this issue? Nic

Nope. Any ideas? Thank you! Tom~