Wix Stores & QuickBooks integration?

Has anyone been able to integrate QuickBooks with the Wix store? Currently we have to go through a redundant protocol for process and inventory management. We would like to have it be a seamless process when someone orders through the Wix store it is recorded in QuickBooks and the inventory is adjusted and the same when an order is processed through QuickBooks we would like that inventory deducted from the Wix Store.



thanks for your feedback!
Wix is currently working on much better integrations of wix code with its additional vertical (such as store) to provide such seamless experience. i will pass this specific example as a feedback to the relevant product team within Wix


Excellent request! Also, be sure to distinguish whether or not this integration will be available for online QB systems and/or Desktop QB versions as well.

Hi Gary,

thanks for the feedback!
please add the details in this forum https://www.wix.com/code/home/forum/feature-requests, Wix product managers are attentive to those threads when planning ahead


Any update on this yet? We will be moving some of our clients to WP so that this is possible as is crucial for a business that has plans to do anything extensive.

Still no updates at this moment.

Any update on this? Otherwise we will have to move our site off of Wix within the month.


Wix code is an open platform that lets lets you write code to integrate with service providers using code. Wix offers such easy integration with wix-pay and there is also full example with Stripe. We encourage the growing community to share working examples with each other, and service providers to share their api clients through nmp modules that can be used by javascript platforms like wix code.
We will soon release the capability to use npm modules in your backend code and working on app studio for reusable ui components


All of the options to link Quick Books to Wix require another payment, which is a massive inconvenience for small businesses. There clearly hasn’t been any concerted effort for someone to share an API for all of us to use, so the onus rests on Wix development to create a seamless solution. It’s disingenuous to say that Wix supports small business, but not a massive component of staying afloat.

The whole purpose of us using Wix is so we don’t have to write code, have multiple api’s and understand nmp modules and javascript, etc. Heck we will just switch over to WP. You would think at this stage in the game in ecommerce that Wix would integrate with one of the biggest accounting platforms there is QB’s.

I agree with the comments above. We are moving clients to WP if they require ecommerce because they always want this integration it seems.

Hi guys,

I’m Netalee from Wix Stores

If i get it right, once we will expose the Orders as an API and a data collection you will be able to integrate with Quickbook (what are the required fields for an invoice?)
We are planing to do it soon.
Meanwhile, you can export let’s say once a week the order list from the store manager and import it to a data collection.


Hello team,
Any update on this?

Not having the integration from Wix to QB is literally killing me!

I would love to know if there any other options to get the WIX store to talk to Quickbooks?

what is the current status? need quickbooks desktop integration or i may switch to shopify.

Hey! Wondering if there’s been any progress made on this. It would be such a useful tool!

update: think I found a reasonable workaround: if you use Stripe (a quick add to your page through wix) you can set it up to automatically integrate with your quickbooks/other accounting software. https://stripe.com/works-with/category/accounting . It’s not a one-click solution, but it may do the trick!

Thanks for posting this. Its the best solution on this string so far. Just curious - what app did you select and were you able to set up easily? Did you find any that were free? I went through a hand full and it looks like all have monthly fees.

SO… after so many failed attempts I decided to use wix to show my prices and actually do the billing on Quickbooks. My recurring billing and invoices are entirely on QB now and its working just fine.
Got rid on the credit cards processing fees and used the FREE bank transfer option.

I have a customer that I just created a website for and they have already paid for a year. However, I may have to already move them off of Wix and onto Shopify or WP.

The Wix coding team moves like molases. I have another issue that I pointed out to their coding team and showed Wix in Corvid where the issue resides with Wix. I showed them this through a very detailed document with pictures. This was months ago. I actually pinpinted the exact location of their issue and they still have yet to find a fix for their issue. I have had no feedback (not one email) from their coding team (spoke to the Project Manager over Skype). There is absolutely no follow-up to an issue that to me seems to be an easy fix on their end, being a coder myself (hence me trying through Corvid), but have no access to their background code. I will patiently wait for their team to fix this issue, in the meantime that customer has gone on to other solutions.

ANYWAY, as far as Quickbooks. My customer has to use Quickbooks Payments to receive online payments for her store. Being that CBD companies have lost their ability accept cards (99% of the industry is down), there are banks that are starting to allow the processing for their brick and mortar stores. The bank integrates with their Quickbooks Payments, but so far there is no integration to Quickbooks after this being a known issue for several years now. Perhaps Wix needs to look into hiring some outside help (other coding companies) to figure out many of their coding issues. In the meantime, I’m working with clients that cannot wait to take card payments when they have other solutions opening up to them. So, I’m guessing that being there is no solution happening anytime soon in the Wix realm (absolutely no timeframe in sight, nor any thought of a timeframe in sight) I already have to move customers off of this platform. I have already had to do so for other issues such as:

  1. Memberships has some huge flaws that need to be worked out.
  2. Wix payments - integrate more payment options.
  3. Found more payment options by tricking the system (or look of the site). It looks like a store, but I chose restaurant features to almost make it work. Make a menu look like a store, include online restaurant ordering (integrates to look even more like a store), and then there’s a million more options to receive payments that integrate with their payment options. However, there was still major issues with delivery that don’t bode well with any company (doesn’t have to be a restaurant) looking to set up delivery times. Delviery times (window of time) does not work for any company and once again after taking a couple of weeks trying a hundred different ways and Corvid development tool being a piece of crap was still unable to work something out and was not only overly frustrated, but had to move the customer to WP.

There is a new Web Development platform to pretty much make any website happen that I’m playing with now. To be able to create any type of website, no matter the function needed will be fun. Just sucks that there’s once again, that learning curve for site developers like myself, but it will be amazing that I won’t have to write all the code myself. This platform does it all for me, I just tell it the functionality I need :slight_smile:
As huge as Wix has gotten, it will be nice for them to one day not only hire a massive team, but finally get some top coding talent in the doors that can make things happen at a much quicker pace than years out to integrate a tool or app that’s already in use by so many. Good luck Wix team in your future endeavors. I will continue to make sites for my more simple customers on Wix, but will definitely have to move many away from the platform as well.