Wix Stores Request: Excluding Specific Products from Shipping to a Region

When is this planned? Is there anyway to do this through coding? I’ve asked this before and did not receive an answer.

You should likely be able to accomplish this through the Validations SPI. ecom-validations - Velo SPI Reference - Wix.com

I’m following the tutorial on Tutorial: Validations Custom Extension but the instructions are wrong. I’m not able to get passed step 4. I can’t find the " Add eCommerce Validation SPI ." Please help!

Are you using the Classic Editor or Wix Studio?

I am using Wix Studio

ok cool, so in Studio you get there this way

click {} then “Public & Backend” then “Custom extensions”

If you do not see it there, reach. out to Contact Wix so they can help further

Ok Found it. But now I’m completely overwhelmed with how to code and execute on it. Is there someone on the wix team that can help me with this further or am I on my own at this point?

Also - is there an update as to when wix is coming out with this feature, where it won’t require custom code?

We do not offer any services to write code for you, however, as you are working if you have questions you can come here into the forum or our Discord community to ask questions. many folks in the dev community use the SPI’s and will likely be able to help. People from Wix (like me) will be able to do some light help as well to get you over hurdles.

Another option if you do not want to build this yourself is to hire a developer. I know some also offer services that include some training if you are interested in that. https://www.wix.com/marketplace

I am not aware if this is something that is on the product roadmap. To request features, you can check here and vote if it’s already there and if not add a new feature request. Product Roadmap

It’s on the roadmap, but planned status. I wasn’t sure if there was a way to know any rough ETA Wix Stores Request: Excluding Specific Products from Shipping to a Region | Help Center | Wix.com

I almost got there. But I’m having a hard time finding the category ID to restrict the whole category.
Is there a way to look up the Categoryid of an item using options.validationInfo.lineItems elements, e.g. from the lineItem.catalogReference.catalogItemId you c an check an item specifically. But we want to identify if the item is any of the ones in a cateogry

I hired a developer and he whipped out the code, tested it and it worked in testing, but The custom extension is not executing any code, including the very first console.log on line 1 of the method. We checked logs in Developer Tools. Please help! I’m so close!

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Ah, I see. If it is being planned then it will be some time and the best way to know when it will be available is to follow it from that page.

If you need to grab a known category, what I usually do is just get it out of the slug in the dashboard when I’m in categories

I see, I would have them start a new thread with their question, code snippet, what they have tried and where they are stuck specifically so folks can weigh in on what cold. be the issue

Ok. I just created a new thread and posted in discord. the guy in discord said the following, which didn’t make sense because this is backend and the tutorial said to keep it in the folder.

First, make sure that your code is properly published and that you’ve added it to the correct page.
If you’re using a custom HTML element, make sure that it’s placed in the correct place in the page hierarchy. If you’re using JavaScript, make sure that it’s placed in the “head” section of your site. Another potential issue could be that you’re using a custom font or image that’s not loading correctly.
Can you confirm that you’ve checked all of these things?