Wix Studio Blog Post Page - 404 page not found

Do you know why when I create a Wix Blog to my Wix studio site, all blog post pages result in 404 page not found? Wix support don’t know why - does anyone here?

Wix Studio. Wix Blog.

What are you trying to achieve:
Simply trying to use Wix blog feature. When I create the Wix Blog, it lets me create a blog list page which shows a list of all my blog posts. But when user clicks to read any of the blog posts, it results in a 404 page not found error. One guy on Wix support said it’s a url issue. Another said it’s because there should be a page created by the blog application called Web Post Page and it’s not there. Why? He didn’t know and there seems to be no way to manually add one.

What have you already tried:
Tried uninstalling blog, and reinstalling.
Tried Wix support - the guys on phone or live chat can’t fix it. The specialist team h r had it a week and can’t fix.

Additional information:
Steps I took

  1. Created a new Wix blog.
  2. I see the Wix blog in my pages list within the studio editor.
  3. I can manage the blog listing page, where all the blog posts are listed. And I can add new sections to other pages which show the blog lists and categories etc.
  4. But when try to view a full blog post, no matter if I goto the url directly or click any of the links from the blog lists, it just displays a 404 error page not found.
  5. Also when I’m in the edit blog settings, I cannot edit the settings for the blog post page because clicking this button just closes the blog settings pop up window and then does nothing.
  6. There appears to be no blog post page template. I can’t create one manually either.

Any help or advice gratefully received given I’m not getting anything from the support team and can’t find any answers across the help pages or YouTube videos etc.

Thank you. :pray:t3:


I just ran into the same issue with the 404 error with my blog posts. When I had originally created the site, the blog app was already made with pre-done blogs and it seems like when I made my own it didn’t quite register with the original setup. I had to go under “manage pages” and delete the blog and blog app, publish the changes and then re-add the blog page and republish. This fixed my issue and what was ever better my original blogs didn’t get deleted and repopulated. No more 404 error, hope this works for you if you are still encountering this issue!

I have tried all the methods which included, deleting the blog and then re-adding it. I have tried all the things but whenever i’m publishing my blog, it is showing that 404 page not found. What should i do?

Same here. I have tried manually adding the mobile link and yet, it doesn’t work either!

I was having this very issue… But I kept hammering away at the problem for one of my SEO clients (well not only a client, but my cousin no less). Sometimes my blog posts would be fine, but then after a few reloads I would get the 404 error again.

But I am happy to say I fixed it!! I too removed the blog app and re-installed it a couple times… I deleted posts… all the same playbook as everyone else.

But what I noticed was the default URL structure for my blogs was being changed automatically on its own (not my doing) and I suspect this is the same problem for many of you. Look at the url of your blog post when you get the 404 error. Maybe you are getting a similar error to what I was getting.

The URL structure of a blog post should be domain.com/post/post-slug but my blog posts would publish as domain,com/single-post/post-slug on their own accord. Why was the folder “post/” changing to “single-post/”???

To correct this I decided to check the default page url structure for my blog posts. What I did was I went to SETTINGS > SEO Settings > Blog Posts (that was the kind of webpage I wanted to change) > Customize defaults > EDIT (Page URL option).

What I noticed was that my page url structure was already entered correctly. So I decided to intentionally mess it up and update the url structure from post/post-slug to single-post/post-slug, so that it would match the erroneous problem redirects that were happening on their own.

After doing that I thought for sure, my blog posts would publish correctly now since the urls matched. BUT they DID NOT!!

So THEN I re-edited the URL structure setting it back to what it was supposed to be; post/post-slug, (which was displaying correctly originally)… and within 60 seconds I republished my deleted blog post. And NOW FINALLY my blog posts were publishing to the correct url folder! Booooooooooooom!!

In summary, by messing up the page url structure on purpose and then going back and fixing it, the changes locked in. Now when I publish a blog post, everything is publishing correctly the 1st time, as they should.

**Hopefully that is clear direction on how to fix this potentially costly problem. How do you use content marketing to drive traffic to your website if you can’t get your blog to even publish your content?!?!

If anyone needs help fixing this problem you can reach out to me at ACXSEOservice.com and I will walk you through this fix for a fee for my time.

I provide SEO services to website owners and I am happy to help you with this if need be. As I said, I can’t sit around doing this all day for people free of charge… or I would never make any money, but if you are willing to pay for my time I am available. Or you can simply use my free instructions above to help yourself.

I hope this solves your problem as it did mine!



Thanks @Aaron_C , your tip worked for me too.

This fixed my issue as well thank you!