I’m a super noob with Wix so hopefully I am wrong about how the two slider gallery options work in Wix Studio:
Wix Pro Gallery Slider:
Global option that all images will open in a pop up window when clicked but no autoplay or crossfade option.
Wix Repeater Slider Gallery:
Option for autoplay and crossfade but no global pop up option so this would have to be set on every single photo in the gallery.
I just want a cross fading auto play gallery where photos will open in pop up window when clicked on. I have over a hundred photos for this website and really hope I don’t have to go with the repeater gallery for autoplay and then have to select “pop up” for every single photo…
Are you talking about the basic Wix editor? There isn’t a postcard gallery in the Wix studio version as far as I can tell.
Happy to report that I found the autoplay function on the one slideshow template for single images that is included in the Wix Studio version. I had been looking under “settings>settings” but the autoplay option is not there, it is buried three layers deep in the “layout” menu.
Here’s the correct location for anyone else who might have the same confusion that I did:
Settings>Layout>Customize Layout>Slideshow settings>Auto play