Hi Wix Team,
This is my second wix Table bug I am reporting here. I haven’t got any solution for the first one till now.!!!
I have a table connected to a dataset with “number of items to display” option in the dataset gui settings set as 20
i have a onrowselect event handler function connected to this table to go to the dynamic page when a row of the table is selected
on page load i am using a query to filter the content of the table. The result will/is more than 20 elements .
Wix table crashes (the width of the table increases and shows the horizontal seekbar and shows all the items of the dataset for short time) and shows all the items in the connected dataset when clicking on a row number that is greater than the “number of items to display” option in the dataset gui settings. After this th dynamic page loads . I can stop this issue by changing the value from 20 to 200. But that is not the correct way to solve the problem as i am collecting user data and adding it to this database and at some point of time the number might go above 200 and this issue will happen again.
Let me know if u need for explanation or video proof of the error. Thanks!
The page name where the table is located is called as “Sell & Buy” . Currently there are lot of pages (unused and used ) in the website as I started developing the website before dynamic pages was released. So it will be little difficult to find the “Sell & Buy” Page. (Easy route: Find blog page at the bottom of the pages tree and then go 11 pages up)
Forgot to tell:
There is no pagination set on the table. So the table loads all the data on load based on the query without the pagination and this is where the issue is happening. If I use table pagination to 10 and set the “number of items to display” to 10 in dataset gui . The table will work fine. But then you need to solve my first wix table bug here to make it work properly as I need.
Recreate the problem:
I have set the dataset “number of items to display” to 10 now in dataset gui . You can recreate the issue by going to this link
and then click on the 10th item and 11th item. If you click on 10th item, the table will work normally. If you click on 11th item in table, the issue said above happens. (BTW I have removed all the user access password restrictions from database and pages for u to visit the live website without registering for an account )
My website query works based on user location/ip. So if u are accessing from israel, the table will show empty result. So u need to change the country from manually to India to see some results that is greater than 10 . The county dropdown is in the footer of the website.
Another Issue: (Help me if u have time or else i will write a new post)
Sometimes when I click on the first row, the dynamic page opens ,but the dataset is not loaded properly and some of the items like view count and phone number which is linked using wix code shows empty string. The items connected to dataset using gui works fine. I have used all the code under on load property of page and onload of the dataset. But still this issue is happening sometimes.
Why cant you guys use the new member to member chat that is now in beta program or a form to collect user data like editor links and website links. I personally don’t like sharing my editor and unfinished website links in a public forum. “If you have the power why not use it!!”…Think about it…!!!
Yes…this error is showing sometimes when the dataset fails to load in some dynamic pages… As I said I am accessing the dataset elements inside the on ready of dataset inside onready of page load …but even though this is happening… And It’s not happening Everytime…
BTW this error doesn’t have anything to do with the main table bug that I reported in the main page.
The delay() function is unnecessary and most likely breaks things - and you have two delays. Plus, you have declared the dataset’s onReady() function twice. The idea is to declare the dataset’s onReady() function one time. It is then invoked when the dataset is ready.
Refer to the wix-dataset.onReady() API for details.
I started using the delay function due to the dataset load issues and it saved me most of the time from errors. (I asked about this delay function in some old post few months back and one wix support agent also suggested me to use it and lot of people seeing this might have started using it.)
The information to use one onReady() function for dataset make sense. Thanks for this tip.
Now I have changed the code according to your suggestion and now the dynamic page is working properly. Thanks a lot!!!
Now Can you please have a look at the table issue which was the main intention of writing the post?.. I don’t have any rush to solve this issue /bug as this issue will not affect my table if i increase the no of items to load in the dataset gui to say 200 . But for future and for other wix table users it might be a good thing to know and solve this issue.
Regarding the uncaught in permission error issue (see attached 2nd image) also it might be helpful to know why its is causing even though I don’t have any rush to solve it.
I took a look at the Sell and Buy page again. The table is empty and no errors appear in the Developers console. Some warnings appear in the browser’s console, but they’re only warnings and they might just be system noise. I can check with system about this, but this can wait till later.
Ok thanks… But have you changed the country in the country selector dropdown in the website footer. If u don’t change the country you won’t see any data in the table…
Take your on time but please solve these issues if it is a bug from wix side…
Sorry… as I said it works based on the user location and I guess the place where u r accessing the website is not defined in it…
But now I have made the country selector visible in the properties panel. So it will always show. So now u need to select India or France to see some content in the table… I hope it works… (The code for the country selector and ip location is in the site code section)
Issue 1:
Wix table crashes (the width of the table increases and shows the horizontal seekbar and shows all the items of the dataset for short time) and shows all the items in the connected dataset when clicking on a row number that is greater than the “number of items to display” option in the dataset gui settings. After this the dynamic page loads . I can stop this issue by changing the value from 10 to 200. But that is not the correct way to solve the problem as i am collecting user data and adding it to this database and at some point of time the number might go above 200 and this issue will happen again.
Recreate the issue:
Click on row 10 and row 11 and see what happens
Issue 2 :
When the page is kept open for some time without doing anything this error happens. its not affeccting the working of the website but just curious to know why this is happening…
Well, I don’t see these issues right now. I’ve got a lot going on right now, so I’ll keep this on the back burner and maybe something will pop up. I’ll consult with QA on this.