Wixformsv2 Autofill member user email

How can I get a Wixformsv2 form to populate fields with member info for the logged in member?

Wix Studio Editor I guess?

What are you trying to achieve:
I want First Name, Last Name, and Email to autofill info a form ona custom member page, so that when the user presses submit on the form, that data is sent into my collection along with the information they provided in other form fields.

What have you already tried:
I have looked at different tutorials on the forums and youtube to try to figure this out, but documentation links point to pages that no longer exist, what I’ve tried hasn’t worked, and I can’t seem to find out how fields are labeled and accessible within the formsv2 framework. I set custom field IDs in the editor for each field and know what those are, but I don’t know how to reference them in an autofillForm.js file

Since you set custom field IDs on the page, they may be different from the associated ID in the collection.

You can find the collection ID for an individual form field by going to the Wix Forms dashboard, clicking ‘Settings’ on the element you need the field name for, and then clicking ‘Advanced’.

There you will find the field name under ‘Field key’.

Here is a example: