Wix's main disadvantage!

I think it is a real shame that Wix templates are not interchangeable outside the Wix editor. trying to add HTML/CSS or Javascript is virtually impossible I find especially when I’m customizing a particular feature on a Wix created website! :rage:

You know JSfiddle? All you can do in JSfiddle, you also can do with Wix+Velo.
So i assume you come from the HTML+CSS+JS coding-section using either JS-Fiddle, Code-Pen and similar dev-environments.

Even JQuery is available since few days as a new feature (as i could see).

Not familiar with JSfiddle

Which dev-environment are you familiar with ?
Take a look at JSfiddle, it will help you to understand how to connect the world of wix with the HTML+CSS-JS-Jquery-universe.



Thanks for your insight, that’s very interesting. Could you give us one or few short practical JSfiddle examples with Wix ? (through a Loom video for example)

What do you think about the current “custom interactions” ( https://support.wix.com/en/article/velo-about-custom-elements)) ?

Thanks in advance.

Custom elements are possibly even the better way, but surely also the more difficult one.

And here an example of an working HTML-Component…