Writing to Events Dataset

Is there any way to use the user form submission to the Events database or is this only available through the app?
We have a number of people that need to be able to add events to our site and its very cumbersome to provide access to the app to allow them to do this each time. I’ve developed a way to bring the event data through to the site so that people no longer have to update the front end each time but what I’m looking to do is create a password protected area where users can upload their event data to create the event.
I’ve tried a work around with a separate dataset to house the information and linked in to sendgrid to send a confirmation, but this lacks the functionality for sending reminders, and managing the event from the admin side.
Is the events dataset truly read only or is this something you can write to?
I also want to be able to add a second slug so that once the event is ended it goes in to a past event’s section - I have been able to create the section and bring the information through but I want to be able to provide an individual page for each (ideally by writing to the blog database) but the slug that is used just goes to a “this event has ended” page.

How I would love the option to flag a discussion as “Kafkaesk” and close it.

Hi Steve,
Did you manage to find a way for people to add events without going into the events app? This is my challenge atm also.
Thank you for posting.
Best wishes

It is possible, but requires using the wix-events.v2 apis and elevating the auth on them to allow others to create events.

Docs here - Introduction