2 sided website. Customer and seller

Are wix working on making 2 seperate members sign-up and login areas?

I want sellers to be able to sign up and upload their product and companies to be able to sign-up and buy the products.

I have tried using a dataset and a custom sign up/login page, how i am having issues with the user session and recognising that users upload.

When these users upload their product for sale, I need a page in their memebers area that tells them how many purchases they have had. And same for the company side which I have made possible usuing the integrated wix sign up login feature.

You could assign roles to members, so yes you could build this with Wix. You dont need seperate sign ups or logins

Thanks for that, interesting. However, This would be using one sign up page, meaning I could not collect more information for one side than the other. For example with companies signing up I would need them to fill out more info than the sellers signing up. So This could work but would have to limit the info required and then maybe after signup, the companies would fill out more info.