I don’t know to what extent you need to do this with the role allocation on your website, but when it comes to permitting certain groups to certain specially generated pages, you can create your own roles, this shouldn’t be a problem.
However, if you want to use Wix templates and apps, then you should use the Wix role-system.
You could just as easily create your own dashboard pages.
Let’s say we have 3 pages:
Page-1: (Access only for business people)
Page-2: (Access only for customers)
Page-3: (access for everyone)
As soon as someone logs into Wix, they will receive their own ID.
In theory, any role could be attached to this ID or eMail. (Own-coneccted-database)
- King
- General
- Customer
- Queen
- Boss
- or what ever …
But this only works as long as you don’t use Wix-Apss and templates.
If you use this, then you should use the Wix role-system.
And, in my opinion, you won’t need 2 accounts in these cases.
I also had this problem once. Because I do not use any Wix apps and I try to assemble everything by myself, in my case it worked well with my own rolle-system. You assign the role to each user once and is good. With all the subsequent logins, the role of each user is then automatically recognized and assigned.
In addition, you could create your own dashboard for this role system.
From where you could conveniently distribute your role to each user.
But as I said, Wix actually has own specially designed role-system.
Perhaps you are better served with it.