A few bugs so far:

  • In the database editor, I cannot delete a column, only hide.

  • If I create an image-based row, I cannot remove an image from column once I’ve chosen it.

  • I cannot change the “key” for any column.

  • Cannot access database from Dashboard view like in the videos, only through the editor.

  • Clicking “Edit Live Database” goes to a 404 page with the cat on the keyboard.

  • Clicking “Connect to Data” for image gallery, text, image or any other element does nothing.

  • Adding a filter does not add, only replaces previous filter added if using the same column. E.g. if I have photos of people from different boroughs of NYC, and I want a collection to only show “brooklyn” versus “midtown”, I can only keep one filter. However, it will let me keep a filter for people age “22” AND people from “brooklyn”.

  • In the code editor, I get a “Not a valid selector name” error when the ID is clearly correct.

  • Helper code prompt doesn’t appear when I type “$” in code editor.

Hi Jonathan,
Thanks for posting! This kind of detailed feedback is awesome for us.

Regarding changing/deleting fields and field types - Unfortunately, these are not quite yet in the system. For now, your best path forward would be to create a new field.

Live database not available from dashboard or link - This is because you haven’t published your site yet, so it doesn’t yet have a live database. We need to work to improve that message of course :slight_smile:

Connect doesn’t work - that’s very strange. Could you please check the browser console for any messages? (Just in case you don’t know where that is, here’s how to open it )

Not valid selector - you’re missing the # hashtag before clipart1, so it should be $w(‘#clipart1’)

Code completion doesn’t pop up - could you please try cntrl-space if you’re on pc or cmd-space if on mac?

Thanks, and keep them coming!

Wow, thanks for the fast feedback!

Here’s what I got from the Console:

I’ll double check on adding the #.

I disabled all extensions and opened the editor in In Cognito mode. When I click the “Connect to Data” this is specifically when comes up:

Hi Jonathan,
We just made a few changes on our side. Could you possibly try again and let us know if it has been solved?

Oh, and my bad, it’s control-space on both pc and Mac (can you tell which I use?? :slight_smile: )


YES!! It works now. Thanks!

And the Control+Space works as well.

I still cannot edit KEY … when will this be updated?

Hi nayeli,
For the moment, keys are unchangeable. Sorry for the inconvenience, but for now the best workaround is to create a new field…


Jonathan, you can now delete a field from your database.

Hi Uval,

I tried both Command+Space and Control+Space on my Mac, but both don’t work for loading code completion.
Both these shortcuts were in use before for loading up spotlight and changing input sources. I modified both so that it is not in use anymore, but it still doesn’t work.

Any advise?

I am also experiencing the ‘not a valid selector’ error. I am getting this error when I use a show and hide function on a button to display a lightbox (on hover)

Here is my code:

export function button1_onMouseIn(event) {

export function button1_onMouseOut(event) {