A member with these communication details (email / phone) already exists

On the dynamic page, I am using a trigger email on the code when someone submits the form. The issue is only that when I try to send the trigger to site members ,it is not sending the automated email. It is giving this error: "error: server responded with - {“message”:“a member with these communication details (email / phone) already exists”,“details”:{“applicationerror”:{“code”:“permission denied”,“description”:“permission denied”}}} (403)**

Hey! Would you mind posting your code so we can have more context on the issue?

It is giving me error here when I am submitting the form.

async function onFormSubmit() {
    //todo: error handling/displaying
    if (!data) return;

    if (!$w("#input6").valid || !$w("#input7").valid || !$w("#input8").valid || !$w("#textBox1").valid) return; //not a valid input

    const name = $w("#input6").value;
    const email = $w("#input7").value;
    const subject = $w("#input8").value;
    const message = $w("#textBox1").value;

    let newEntry = {
        name: name,
        subject: subject,
        email: email,
        message: message,
        property: data._id,
        agent: data.agent._id

    wixData.save('contactForm', newEntry)
        .then(async (results) => {
            console.log(results); //see item below

            if (language === 'en') {
                let res = await contactForm_afterInsert(newEntry, 'TrdF8Ok')
                console.log('sent', res);
            } else if (language === 'nl') {
                let res = await contactForm_afterInsert(newEntry, 'TrdJuzZ')
                console.log('sent', res);

            $w('#input6').value = "";
            $w('#input7').value = "";
            $w('#input8').value = "";
            $w('#textBox1').value = "";


        .catch((err) => {
            console.log('save error',err);


This is the backend code.

export async function contactForm_afterInsert(item, context) {
    let agent = await wixData.get('Agents', item.agent);
    let property = await wixData.get('Properties', item.property);
    let contactId = agent.contactId;
    console.log("contact id ", contactId);

    if (!contactId) {
        console.log("contact id not exist ", contactId);
        // no contact id exists yet for this agent
        contactId = await wixCrmBackend.createContact({
            firstName: agent.name,
            emails: [agent.email],
            labels: ["Agent"]

        agent.contactId = contactId;
        wixData.update('Agents', agent);

    let mailData = {
        name: item.name,
        email: item.email,
        subject: item.subject,
        message: item.message,
        property: property.title

    triggeredEmails.emailMember(context, contactId, {
        variables: mailData

    return item;