Is there any chance to add apple payments to my website in Australia?
Wix Editor
What are you trying to achieve:
I need to have a quick payments possibility on my website, not to put all card details into.
What have you already tried:
I’ve tried to configurated it with wix payments, but Apple Pay is not included in the list of countries which accepted this kind of payments from Wix Payments.
Hi Klaudia - did you ever find out about this? I find it incredible that Wix doesn’t support Apple Play in Australia given the high amount of Apple users here.
Stripe is a popular payment gateway that supports Apple Pay and is available in Australia. We can integrate Stripe into your Wix site by redirecting to an external checkout(custom build with velo).
customers being forced to leave checkout to another site isnt ideal - the fact we have been asking for this basic service considering its offered in outher countries by wix is appaling.