Add dynamic item page name/job title as variables via triggered email to admin email

Hi Velo Community,

I have created a main dynamic page which displays job posts for members only and each job/project has a dynamic item page associated with it. I have also created a triggered email which I want to send to my own email each time an applicant/approved site member clicks on apply.

I have read through some posts and cant seem to find any way to pass the dynamic item page title/URL OR job/project title text, the site members name and email into the triggered email as a dynamic values so I can be notified which job/project the applicant has applied for.

What I hope to achieve:
Basically, what I want to do is when an approved site member applies for a specific job/project and clicks on “Apply” button on the dynamic item page (project overview) on submit it will pass the variables into the triggered email and notify me they have applied for that specific job/project.

Use case:
A new applicant has registered and approved as a site member to access projects/jobs available. They are interested in the job so they click “APPLY”. Once they apply wix would send me an email notifying me which job they applied for and also which member applied for the job.

Fields to capture (for triggered email dynamic variables):

  1. Contractor Name (Approved Site Member)

  2. Contractor Email (Approved Site Member)

  3. Project Name (Dynamic item page title)

If anyone can point in the right direction or has any code snippets I can use to create this process it would be greatly appreciated!

Thanks in advance!


Hello, did you try this example ? If so, what didn’t work/where are you stuck in your code?