Dynamic Page Titles in emails

Hi guys,
Finally hooked up my user inputs to emails thanks for your tutorials.
I now need to have the page’s dynamic title on my submission so we know what property they are looking at. Can this be done with a text box linked to the dataset and somehow linked to the subject or body of the email?
My current code:
import {sendEmail, sendEmailWithRecipient} from ‘backend/email’;
$w.onReady(function () {
function sendFormData() {
const subjectAdmin = New booking enquiry from ${$w("#Name").value};
const subjectRecipient = ${$w("#Name").value} Thanks for your booking enquiry!;
const bodyRecipient = Hello ${$w("#Name").value}, \rThank you for your message. We will be in touch shortly with the information provided. \rKind regards, \rBook The Best \re: [info@bookthebest.com.au](mailto:info@bookthebest.com.au) \rw: [www.bookthebest.com.au](http://www.bookthebest.com.au/) ;
const bodyAdmin = Hello Book the Best, \rYou have just received a new booking enquiry. Below are the details: \rName: ${$w("#Name").value} \rEmail: ${$w("#Email").value} \rContact Number: ${$w("#Phone").value} \rAdults: ${$w("#Adults").value} \rChildren: ${$w("#Children").value} \rCheck In: ${$w("#CheckIn").value} \rChildren: ${$w("#CheckOut").value} \rMessage: ${$w("#MoreInfo").value};
const recipient = $w(“#Email”).value;
sendEmailWithRecipient(subjectRecipient, bodyRecipient, recipient)
.then(()=> sendEmail( subjectAdmin, bodyAdmin));

Sam or Tal or anyone, can you please assist?