Hi! I am looking to add an anchor-like navigation menu to the side of the website that would allow users to jump to different sections of page (ie. education, work experience, leadership, activities). Here is the page for reference: https://www.ryanbailis.com/resume .
I know that adding anchors to a repeater are not possible (as per this resource: https://support.wix.com/en/article/elements-that-cant-be-added-to-repeaters ) but I essentially want to do that. I’ve messed around with scrollTo(), which in theory allows me to scroll to (X,Y) coordinates, but I haven’t been able to figure out a way to get the coordinates of a heading title (big green text in my example) out of the repeater. Any help with this would be much appreciated. Also, if there is a way to go about this whole problem in another way, I’m all ears.
Thank you!